Earlier today I found out that a site called legalsounds[dot]com is selling my music (written, performed, and recorded by me and people very close to me, at our own expense) without my consent and when that particular album is available for free. Reading through some posts by others on their Facebook page, it looks like they are going out of business or at least can’t currently accept payments.
If you’re buying music, especially from an independent/DIY artist, please look for an artist’s official website or find them on bandcamp.com, amazon MP3, or iTunes. You can make direct contact with DIY artists on a number of social networks, so if a website ever looks weird or you have any questions, please try reaching out directly.
I don’t really care if third-party sites host free downloads of my music, although I always like to be aware of them. It’s not all about the money, unless someone’s being sheisty.
Speaking of free music, the album the site has for sale is 52 of 28, my song-a-week project from 2010/2011. I have it set up so you can name your price; $0 is perfectly fine with me, especially when compared to giving some jerk(s) your hard-earned money.
Tags: 52 of 28, albums